The MPCA's technical review and approval process for wastewater treatment facilities (WWTF) confirms that proposed WWTF projects will comply with state permits/rules and recognized engineering practices, and meet reliability criteria. To speed the review and approval of your design documents, please complete the applicable checklists from the list below and submit them with your plans and specifications.
Engineering/technical publications
- 10 States Standards. Recommended standards for wastewater facilities; Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State and Provincial Health and Environmental Managers
Sanitary sewer
Using wastewater in the sanitary sewer collection system as a heat transfer medium is a new concept and several communities have expressed interest in these projects. This document is intended to provide interim guidance for projects that would be owned/operated by a third party to help as they proceed through the planning process.
Mechanical treatment process design checklists
Preliminary treatment
Primary and secondary treatment
Tertiary treatment
Design checklists are provided for chlorine and ultraviolet disinfection. Contact your facility’s assigned engineer for guidance if other types of disinfection are being considered.