Open grants and loans
Grants and low-interest loans are available to help businesses meet or exceed environmental regulations, and to cover costs associated with projects, equipment, investigation and cleanup.
3M PFAS settlement Priority 2 grant program (DNR)
The MPCA and Minnesota DNR are co-trustees of up to $20 million in grants for projects that restore and enhance aquatic resources, wildlife, habitat, fishing, and outdoor recreational opportunities in portions of Washington, Ramsey and Dakota counties and downstream areas of the Mississippi and St
Next generation refrigeration grants
The MPCA requests proposals from eligible applicants for projects that aim to reduce emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) refrigerants in retail settings and food assistance programs in Minnesota.
Construction and demolition (C&D) management planning grants
The MPCA is soliciting applications for planning grants to promote collaboration among political subdivisions, including public-private and multi-county partnerships.
Implementation grants for stormwater resilience
The MPCA is soliciting project proposals to distribute $35 million to communities for projects to prepare local stormwater infrastructure for the impacts of climate change.
Solid waste/wastewater PFAS treatment grant
This RFP dedicates $2 million toward activities related to planning and design of PFAS treatment/separation and/or destruction technologies, including pilot projects, at municipal wastewater facilities, landfills, and/or industries in Minnesota.
Get the Lead Out - Lead-free fishing tackle rebate program
Retail establishments can receive a 45% rebate on purchases of lead-free tackle for resale.
Locomotive idle reduction
MPCA has $200,000 available to help locomotive owners purchase technology to reduce diesel emissions.
PFAS source identification and reduction grant program
This rolling RFP dedicates $2 million toward activities related to planning, development and implementation of PFAS source identification and reduction plans, product substitutions and system improvements.
Drinking water planning and design funds for PFAS treatment
Funding for planning and design of PFAS treatment systems for owners and operators of community drinking water supply systems in Minnesota.
Funding for brownfield investigation
Apply for funds to help assess sites with known or suspected contamination and develop remediation plans.
Environmental assistance loans
Loans are available to defray the capital costs of installing waste or pollution prevention machinery or equipment.
Small business environmental improvement loans
Loans at zero-percent interest help small businesses purchase equipment to meet or exceed environmental regulations, or to investigate and clean up contaminated sites.
Clean Water Partnership loans
Clean Water Partnership loans help local units of government fund projects that protect and restore water quality in lakes, streams, and groundwater aquifers.
Technical assistance contracts
Contractors perform environmental investigations and other response actions at sites throughout Minnesota that pose a threat to the environment, and the public’s health and safety. When opportunities are available, the MPCA seeks proposals from qualified experienced environmental contractors to perform this work.
Recently closed grants and loans
Closed: Small community planning grants for stormwater, wastewater, and community resilience
The MPCA will distribute $500,000 in grants for climate planning projects to small communities with populations of less than 10,000 people.
Closed: Wood-stove changeouts for tribes in Minnesota
The MPCA sought a contractor to lead the effort to identify and replace tribal members' old wood stoves that are not certified by the U.S. EPA.
Closed: Local climate action grants
Approximately $3 million in funding was available for local climate action planning and implementation projects.
Closed: High-emitting vehicle repair grant
The MPCA sought applications from contractors to partner with auto repair shops, dealerships, tech colleges or other entities to identify and fix high-emitting vehicles.
Closed: Clean heavy-duty off-road equipment grant
Grant opportunity to fund off-road clean diesel projects in Minnesota. Total funding was approximately $2 million.
Closed: Industrial facility air toxic and criteria emission reduction grant
Grant money was available to regulated air pollution emitting facilities for improvements that reduce emissions for environmental justice areas in Minnesota.
Closed: Implementation grants for community resilience
The MPCA had $5 million available to support the implementation of projects to increase resilience to the impacts of climate change in communities across Minnesota.
Closed: Sewer overflow and stormwater reuse municipal grants
The MPCA had $676,000 available in grant funding for communities in environmental justice areas across Minnesota to support projects that provide planning and design services for replacing or upgrading inadequate water infrastructure.
Closed: Planning grants for stormwater, wastewater, and community resilience
The MPCA had $750,000 available to support climate-planning projects in communities across Minnesota.
Closed: Statewide wood waste utilization grant
The MPCA had at least $1 million to support projects that will build lasting capacity to preserve standing tree stock and manage increasing volumes of wood waste.
Closed: Waste characterization study
MPCA sought proposals from qualified responders for a contract conducting a waste characterization study evaluating the types of materials generated and discarded in Minnesota and their relative prominence in Minnesota’s waste streams.
Closed: Stage 1 vapor recovery grants
MPCA had approximately $250,000 available to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) through the use of stage 1 vapor recovery systems at gasoline-dispensing facilities throughout Minnesota.
Closed: Greater MN waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting grants
MPCA had approximately $1 million for projects that increase the efficiency or effectiveness of waste reduction, reuse, recycling, or composting programs in Greater Minnesota.
Closed: Chloride reduction grants
Funding for organizations to coordinate efforts to reduce chloride at the source within priority communities.
Closed: Heavy duty on-road replacement grant
The MPCA had $4.4 million for grants to replace old diesel vehicles and transit buses with new diesel, diesel-electric hybrid, natural gas, propane, and electric models.
Closed: Implementation grants for wastewater resilience
The MPCA solicited project proposals to distribute $10 million to communities for projects to prepare local wastewater infrastructure for the impacts of climate change. These projects are specifically meant to protect water quality and increase resilience.
Closed: MPCA Natural Resource Damage Assessment master contract
MPCA sought proposals from qualified contractors to provide a full range of activities for conducting Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) services.
Closed: Tribal climate and environmental professional and technical assistance
The MPCA sought contractors to work with Minnesota Tribal governments and Tribal organizations that serve Minnesota Tribal governments to provide technical support and assistance to advance environmental and climate action.
Closed: Dry cleaner cost share funding
MPCA offered funds to help Minnesota dry-cleaning businesses stop using perchloroethylene (perc).
Closed: Statewide sustainable building and materials management grants
The MPCA had approximately $2 million to support projects that focus on sustainable building and materials management strategies that reduce waste and increase deconstruction, salvage, and reuse.
Closed: Statewide organics management grants
The MPCA had approximately $4.5 million available to support organics management projects across the state.
Closed: Metro community air monitoring pilot grant program
$4.85 million to run community air monitoring projects in the 7-county Metropolitan Area (counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington).
Closed: Stormwater master contract
Sought proposals from qualified consultants for technical services to support the maintenance, revision, and development of MPCA guidance documents, tools, and outreach programs for stormwater management.
Closed: Resource management report
The MPCA sought proposals to conduct a study and prepare a final report that includes a pathway to implement resource management policies, programs, and infrastructure.
Closed: Statewide prevention of wasted food and food rescue grants
Approximately $4.5 million was available to support prevention of wasted food and food rescue projects across the state.
Closed: Statewide recycling market development grants
Approximately $5.3 million to support recycling market development projects across the state.
Closed: Solar panel reuse and recycling study
MPCA sought contract proposals from qualified contractors to produce a report on developing a statewide system to reuse and recycle solar equipment in the state.
Closed: Request for pro bono services for public engagement and project management
Request for pro bono services for public engagement and project management for the Governor’s Advisory Council on Climate
Closed: Climate calculator tool for use in environmental review
The EQB sought proposals to build a climate calculator tool that assists users in quantifying greenhouse gas emissions for all proposed projects.
Closed: Small, rural, and tribal wastewater technical assistance grant
MPCA sought a grantee to work with small, rural, or tribal publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) to develop asset management plans and provide wastewater technical assistance.
Closed: Electric school bus grant
MPCA sought proposals from eligible applicants to fund electric school buses in the state of Minnesota.
Solid Waste Processing Facilities Capital Assistance Program
CAP provides financial and technical assistance to local governments to encourage investment in the proper management of solid waste.