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The Small Business Environmental Assistance Program helps Minnesota businesses comply with environmental rules and reduce wastes, emissions, and regulatory obligations. Our focus is on small businesses that are independently owned and operated, have fewer than 100 employees, and are not major sources of waste or emissions.

Call our helpline: 800-657-3938 or 651-282-6143 or email us at

Our services include:

  • in-person or virtual site visits on request
  • online tools and printed materials
  • ideas to help your business go beyond compliance

Business-specific information is kept confidential from enforcement except in cases of imminent danger to human health and the environment.

Grants and loans

The Small Business Environmental Assistance Program periodically offers grant and loan funding to help small businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and other organizations for a range of business activities. See MPCA's Grants and loans page to apply for currently available funding.

12866: Small business environmental improvement loans
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Small business environmental improvement loans

The MPCA provides loans at zero-percent interest to small businesses for investigation and cleanup of contaminated sites and for capital equipment purchases that help meet or exceed environmental regulations.

Small Business Ombudsman

The Small Business Ombudsman is an independent entity that reviews environmental regulatory activities to ensure they are fair, reasonable, and appropriate for small businesses in Minnesota. The ombudsman works with the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program to provide technical and educational assistance, and helps small businesses find financial resources to help protect the environment.

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