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Industrial facility air toxic and criteria emission reduction grant

The MPCA has established the Industrial Facility Air Toxic and Criteria Emission Reduction grant. This unique, one-time grant opportunity is designed to provide project funding to regulated air pollution emitting facilities for pollution control equipment and/or process improvements that result in reduced air pollution emissions within environmental justice (EJ) areas of concern or within one mile of a designated EJ area.

Application deadline is 4 p.m. on Jan. 22, 2025.

Questions and answers

Applicants who have any questions regarding this RFP must email questions to, subject line: “FY25 Industrial Facility Air Toxic and Criteria Emission Reduction Grant,” no later than 4 p.m. CST on Jan. 17, 2025. Answers to questions will be posted frequently in the SWIFT Supplier Portal.

MPCA personnel are not authorized to discuss this RFP with applicants outside of the question and answer forum. Contact regarding this RFP with any MPCA personnel may result in disqualification.


Eligible applicants must:

  • hold an individual air emissions permit
  • be located in or within a mile of an Environmental Justice area
  • propose a project that will reduce emissions of air toxics or criteria pollutants.

Use this online map to find out if the project is located in or within a mile of an environmental justice area. (Note: This map is subject to change; the MPCA will use the most current map when evaluating proposals.)

Eligible projects

  • Any project that reduces emissions of criteria pollutants or air toxics in or within a mile of an EJ area will be considered.
  • Applicants may include multiple pollutant reductions for the project. Points will be given for the pollutant scoring the highest in each category.
  • Must be able to quantify the reductions in criteria or air toxics emissions that will be achieved through the project.

Available funds

Approximately $5.6 million is available to be awarded during FY25. Awarded grant projects must be completed no later than June 30, 2027.

How to apply

The request for proposal (RFP) and application materials can only be viewed through the online SWIFT portal. The RFP is termed an “Event” within the SWIFT system.

  1. Go to the online SWIFT portal.
  2. Click on "Bidding opportunities".
  3. Find the event by name (MPCA-Air Emission Reduction Grant) or ID (2000016372).
  4. Click "View Bid Package" to see the RFP and forms. (There’s no need to log in to see the documents.)

Grant applications are only accepted through the SWIFT portal.

  1. Register as a bidder in the SWIFT Supplier Portal, (Bidding = "applying")
  2. Choose "Register for an Account" and then "Register as a Bidder".

If you are already registered in the SWIFT system as a supplier (previously known as a vendor), use your supplier ID. Visit the SWIFT Supplier Portal under “Informational Tips” and “Supplier Portal Help” for more information. For questions about applying through SWIFT, please contact the Vendor Assistance Help Desk at 651-201-8100, option 1.

More information

This one-time funding opportunity has been made possible by a legislative appropriation.