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Closed: Sewer overflow and stormwater reuse municipal grants

The MPCA had $676,000 available in grant funding for communities in environmental justice areas across Minnesota to support projects that provide planning and design services for replacing or upgrading inadequate water infrastructure. The program provides up to $150,000 for planning and design services for critical infrastructure projects that address combined sewer overflows, sanitary sewer overflows, and stormwater management. The resulting construction projects will help to increase the resiliency of stormwater systems, minimize localized flooding risks, and reduce clean water intrusion into wastewater systems.

Closed: The application deadline was Nov. 22, 2024.

Questions and answers

Applicants who have any questions regarding this RFP must email questions to no later than Thursday, November 19, 2024, using the subject line: “OSG RFP Question.” Answers to questions will be posted frequently in the SWIFT Supplier Portal.

MPCA personnel are not authorized to discuss this RFP with applicants outside of the question and answer webinar. Contact regarding this RFP with any MPCA personnel may result in disqualification.

15216: Sewer overflow and stormwater reuse municipal grant info session playback
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Informational meeting

The MPCA held a virtual meeting to discuss this grant opportunity, the SWIFT process, and answer questions from participants (60 min.).


Eligible applicants must be a city, town, borough, county, parish, district, association, or other public body created by or pursuant to state law and having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, or other wastes, or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization, or a designated and approved management agency under CWA section 208 located within the geographic boundaries of the state of Minnesota and located in or near an environmental justice area. 

Use this online map to find out if the project is located in an environmental justice area. (Note: This map was updated September 14, 2024; the MPCA will use the most current map when evaluating proposals.)

Eligible projects are activities to conduct planning and design for infrastructure project(s) that address the impacts of aging or obsolete stormwater or wastewater infrastructure.

Eligible applicants may apply for both the OSG grant and any FY25 grants for Stormwater, Wastewater, and/or Community Resilience, either planning or implementation, but they cannot receive funding from both sources for the same project.

Available funds

Approximately $676,000 in funding is available.

  • Maximum award: $150,000
  • Match requirement: None. (Federal law precludes local cost share.)

How to apply

The request for proposal (RFP) and application materials can only be viewed through the online SWIFT portal. The RFP is termed an “Event” within the SWIFT system.

  1. Go to the online SWIFT portal.
  2. Click on "Bidding opportunities".
  3. Find the event by name (MPCA-Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Grants) or ID (2000016294).
  4. Click "View Bid Package" to see the RFP and forms. (There’s no need to log in to see the documents.)

Grant applications are only accepted through the SWIFT portal.

  1. Register as a bidder in the SWIFT Supplier Portal, (Bidding = "applying")
  2. Choose "Register for an Account" and then "Register as a Bidder".

If you are already registered in the SWIFT system as a supplier (previously known as a vendor), use your supplier ID. Visit the SWIFT Supplier Portal under “Informational Tips” and “Supplier Portal Help” for more information. For questions about applying through SWIFT, please contact the Vendor Assistance Help Desk at 651-201-8100, option 1.

More information

This is the second year for this grant program, and it is expected to continue to receive federal allotment for annual RFP funding cycles to help communities and tribal nations plan and design for stormwater and wastewater systems with ongoing support.