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Closed: High-emitting vehicle repair grant

The MPCA sought applications from contractors to partner with auto repair shops, dealerships, tech colleges or other entities to identify and fix high-emitting vehicles.

Closed: Applications were due Nov. 25, 2024.

Questions and answers

Applicants with questions regarding this RFP must email questions to no later than Nov. 18, 2024, using the subject line: “FY25 High-emitting Vehicle Repair Grant Question.” Answers to questions will be posted frequently in the SWIFT Supplier Portal.

MPCA personnel are not authorized to discuss this RFP with applicants and contact regarding this RFP with any MPCA personnel may result in disqualification.


Eligible applicants include for-profit businesses with under 500 employees; governmental entity, educational institution, or nonprofit organization with any number of employees.

The intent of this RFP is to award funding to one applicant (single organization or team). Multiple organizations may work together, but one organization will need to submit as the lead applicant.

Available funds

Approximately $100,000 in funding is available.

  • The maximum grant award is $100,000.
  • Applicant must match grant funding dollar for dollar (cash, in-kind, or other grants).

How to apply

The request for proposal (RFP) and application materials can only be viewed through the online SWIFT portal. The RFP is termed an “Event” within the SWIFT system.

  1. Go to the online SWIFT portal.
  2. Click on "Bidding opportunities".
  3. Find the event by name (MPCA-High-Emitting Vehicle Repair Grant) or ID (2000016403).
  4. Click "View Bid Package" to see the RFP and forms. (There’s no need to log in to see the documents.)

Grant applications are only accepted through the SWIFT portal.

  1. Register as a bidder in the SWIFT Supplier Portal, (Bidding = "applying")
  2. Choose "Register for an Account" and then "Register as a Bidder".

If you are already registered in the SWIFT system as a supplier (previously known as a vendor), use your supplier ID. Visit the SWIFT Supplier Portal under “Informational Tips” and “Supplier Portal Help” for more information. For questions about applying through SWIFT, please contact the Vendor Assistance Help Desk at 651-201-8100, option 1.

More information

The Twin Cities and various areas in Minnesota have consistently been very close to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's ambient air quality standards for ozone, meaning that there is a continued risk of exceedance throughout the state. Strong actions to further lower ambient ozone concentrations are needed to both protect human health and avoid an exceedance of the federal ozone standards. Early actions are needed to help maintain compliance. Mobile sources (all of the cars and trucks operating on the streets and highways of Minnesota) are significant contributors of ozone pollution. National studies indicate that approximately 10% of cars and light trucks create nearly 50% of the overall vehicle pollution; these are considered "high-emitting vehicles."

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is seeking a contractor that will lead the effort and partner with auto repair shops, dealerships, tech colleges or other entities to identify and fix these high-emitting vehicles that have faulty emissions systems. This program is intended to offer free emission repairs (up to a certain dollar amount) on older vehicles in environmental justice areas where a higher proportion of these high-emitting, older vehicles are expected to exist. The goal is to reduce emissions and ground-level exposure to vehicle pollution in these areas.