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Application forms and instructions for applying for wastewater permits are available below. All required forms must be completed as indicated in the accompanying instructions before the application will be considered. You must note if any part of the application doesn't apply to your facility, and explain why it doesn't apply. Contact your assigned permit writer with questions about application forms:

Before you apply for a permit

Some facilities and projects, particularly those involving new or expanding discharges, may benefit from a pre-application meeting with the MPCA. If your project requires a preliminary effluent-limit determination, variance request, anti-degradation assessment and review, environmental assessment worksheet or environmental impact statement, or multiple MPCA permits, contact the agency to see if a pre-application meeting is warranted. 

For new and expanding discharges, an antidegradation review may be needed:

Requesting preliminary effluent limits

Preliminary effluent limit requests are submitted before a permit application, when applicants are considering one or more options for wastewater treatment type, discharge type, or discharge location.

Complete this request form for:

  • New facilities with a surface water discharge
  • Existing facilities with a surface water discharge where the design flow, outfall location, or quality of effluent is changing
  • Existing facilities with a surface water discharge where changes to treatment type would impact the quality of the effluent.
  • For facilities that process wastewater primarily from domestic sanitary sewer sources and may include contributions from commercial and industrial facilities in the service area. These facilities typically include city wastewater treatment facilities and sanitary districts, but also include non-municipal facilities such as mobile home parks, schools, campgrounds, resorts, and industries that treat their own sanitary waste.
  • Form for industrial process wastewater, water treatment facilities, non-contact cooling water, and gravel/stone/asphalt facilities. Industrial process wastewater is wastewater which, during the manufacturing or processing, comes into direct contact with or is left over from production of a raw material, intermediate product, finished product, byproduct or waste product. Water treatment waste types are discharges of residuals, such as solids and filter backwash, from the treatment of water for potable, non-potable, industrial, or other uses.

Wastewater permit applications: Start here

To determine the required application forms, attachments, and other information needed to complete your application, use the checklists below. Some facilities may have more than one waste type covered under a single permit. Facilities with multiple types of wastes should review all of the permit application checklists to determine what forms, attachments, or other information are required.

Mark the box next to each checklist item you include, and submit the checklists you used as the cover pages to your application package. The checklist and the transmittal form explain how to submit your application package.

Transmittal form

All NPDES/SDS permit application packages (except permit transfers/name changes/terminations, sanitary sewer extensions, and ballast water permits) must include a transmittal form:

Coordinate reference tool

This link below provides the necessary location information for permit applications.

Multiple permitted stations

Facilities whose permitted stations exceed the space available for station locations on the transmittal form use this attachment.

Chemical additives


Facilities with a pond treatment component should complete this form in addition to the appropriate application:

Stormwater management

Stormwater from major municipal wastewater treatment plants and many types of privately owned facilities that process wastewater is considered industrial stormwater and must be permitted. Facilities have two coverage options:

For information on complying with industrial stormwater requirements, see the Wastewater permit additional guidance and information page.

Additional forms: Industrial facilities

Major NPDES/SDS industrial facilities

Major facilities must complete U.S. EPA forms in addition to MPCA forms. You may also obtain these forms on the U.S. EPA website.

Industrial process wastewater

During manufacturing or processing, industrial process wastewater comes in contact with (or is left over from production of) a raw material, intermediate product, finished product, byproduct, or waste product. The first form is for facilities with surface water discharges, and the second is for facilities that land-apply wastewater:

Dredged materials

Learn more on the Dredged materials management page.

Industrial by-products

For facilities that produce water treatment lime sludge, wastewater pretreatment sludge, industrial process wastewater treatment sludge, pulp and paper mill sludge, and food processing wastes (including silage and whey):

For information on land application, see the Industrial by-products page.

Groundwater pump outs

Non-contact cooling water

Nonmetallic mining and associated activities

Learn more on the Nonmetallic mining page.

Vessel discharge

Learn more on the Vessel discharge page.

Additional forms: domestic facilities

Major NPDES/SDS facilities

Major facilities must complete U.S. EPA forms in addition to MPCA forms. You may also obtain these forms on the U.S. EPA website.

Discharge to surface water (for major and minor facilities)

Facilities that discharge to surface water must complete this form.

Land application of wastewater

For a permit for land application of domestic wastewater, such as by spray irrigation or rapid infiltration basin:

Large subsurface sewage treatment system

For a permit for the land application of domestic wastewater using a large subsurface sewage treatment system (LSTS):

Sanitary sewer extensions

MPCA permits are required for extensions, additions, or other modifications to sanitary sewer collection systems that result in new or increased discharges of pollutants.


If your facility produces biosolids (sewage sludge), complete this form in addition to the appropriate application.

For information on land application, visit the Biosolids page.

Homeowners' associations

Guidance for homeowner's associations on becoming permittees for an MPCA-permitted wastewater treatment facility:

More information

Water treatment plants

For permits for the disposal of residual wastewater from water treatment (to supply potable, industrial, or other water uses):

Also, complete these attachments, based on your facility's treatment type:

Example: A treatment facility with both carbon filter and lime softening systems must submit both the media filter and water softening attachments


For industrial facilities and other non-domestic wastewater sources discharging to a municipal sewer system:

Learn more about pretreatment requirements on the Wastewater pretreatment page.

Water quality standard variances

Learn more on the Water quality variances page.

Permit changes and terminations

Permit termination requests are now available via the MPCA’s e-Services. Wastewater discharge permit holders are able to create/log into their accounts to apply for a permit termination. The permit terminations are not automatic. Following submittal, the agency will review the request and the assigned permit writer will send a confirmation letter. If you need assistance, please contact your assigned permit writer.