Fact sheets Abandoning a subsurface sewage treatment system (wq-wwists4-01) At-a-glance listing of registered sewage tanks (wq-wwists1-25a) Bedroom definition for determining SSTS size (wq-wwists4-02) Building sewers connected to septic systems (wq-wwists3-26) Co-mixing domestic sewage with animal manure (wq-f1-06) Compliance Inspections for subsurface sewage treatment systems (wq-wwists4-39) Compliance inspection form instructions (wq-wwists4-31a) Disclosing SSTS at property transfer (wq-wwists6-11) Disposal of non-sewage wastes from single-family dwellings served by subsurface sewage treatment systems (wq-wwists6-13) Don'ts of septage pumping and land application: A list of common SSTS maintenance mistakes (wq-wwists1-65) Drainfield rock distribution media standards and guidance (wq-wwists4-40) Floor drains, separators and traps, and holding tanks (w-hw4-18) Land application of floor drain, trap, and holding tank waste (w-sw4-18) How to verify treatment of septage with hydrated lime (wq-wwists1-64) List of registered SSTS sewage tanks (wq-wwists1-25) Permit requirements for wastewater discharges to surface and subsurface (wq-wwprm1-01) Policy on utilizing artificial drainage methods for SSTS (wq-wwists4-04) Prescriptive designs and design guidance for advanced designers (wq-wwists4-44) Policy on floor drains from garages for one- and two-family dwellings (wq-wwists4-05) Program management decision on septage storage (wq-pmd1-02) Recirculating sand filters - Recommended standards and guidance (wq-wwists4-41) Remediation technologies and processes for SSTS (wq-wwists4-46) Requirements for city and township SSTS programs (wq-wwists2-39) Septage and restaurant grease trap waste management guidelines (wq-wwists4-20) Septic systems 101 (wq-wwists1-10) Septic systems 101 - Hmong translation (wq-wwists1-10a) Septic systems 101 - Spanish translation (wq-wwists1-10b) Septic systems 101 - Somali translation (wq-wwists1-10c) Septic system and plumbing regulations (wq-wwists4-43) Septic system DOs and DON’Ts (wq-wwists6-14) Septic system DOs and DON'Ts - Hmong translation (wq-wwists6-14a) Septic system DOs and DON'Ts - Spanish translation (wq-wwists6-14b) Septic system DOs and DON'Ts - Somali translation (wq-wwists6-14c) Sewage tank registration - How non-registered tanks can be used (wq-wwists1-26) Single pass sand filters - Recommended standards and guidance (wq-wwists4-42) Small community wastewater needs in Minnesota - Summary (wq-wwtp1-07) SSTS design and inspection spectrum (wq-wwists3-09) SSTS structure setbacks and other requirements (wq-wwists4-47) SSTS Task Analysis: Advanced Design and Inspection (wq-wwists12-23a) SSTS Task Analysis: Basic Design (wq-wwists12-20a) SSTS Task Analysis: Basic Inspector (wq-wwists12-21a) SSTS Task Analysis: Installer (wq-wwists12-16a) SSTS Task Analysis: Intermediate Design and Inspection (wq-wwists12-22a) SSTS Task Analysis: Maintainer (wq-wwists12-17a) SSTS Task Analysis: Service Provider (wq-wwists12-18a) SSTS task analysis: Sites and soils (wq-wwists12-19a) SSTS training course accreditation (wq-wwists3-14) Subsurface sewage treatment systems well setbacks (wq-wwists4-36) State Disposal System permit determination for SSTS (wq-wwists1-55) Straight-pipe system law guidance for local governments (wq-wwists2-38) Financial assurance and septic systems (wq-wwists1-57) Financial assurance and septic systems - Hmong translation (wq-wwists1-57a) Financial assurance and septic systems - Spanish translation (wq-wwists1-57b) Financial assurance and septic systems - Somali translation (wq-wwists1-57c) Transfer of MPCA wastewater permits: A homeowner's association guide (wq-wwprm1-17) Wastewater facilities accepting septage What to do with your septic system during a flood (c-er3-16) What to do with your septic system during a flood - Hmong translation (c-er3-16a) What to do with your septic system during a flood - Spanish translation (c-er3-16b) What to do with your septic system during a flood - Somali translation (c-er3-16c) Forms SSTS abandonment reporting form (wq-wwists4-03) SSTS annual watertight testing certification form (wq-wwists3-66) SSTS application for professional certification (wq-wwists3-11) SSTS application for sewage tank listing (wq-wwists3-65) SSTS business license application (wq-wwists3-20) Business License Surety Bond form (wq-wwists3-22) Certificate of employment for Designated Certified Individuals (wq-wwists3-24) Compliance inspection form - Existing system (wq-wwists4-31b) MS Word format Compliance inspection form - Existing system (wq-wwists4-31c) MS Excel version Conditional certification application (wq-wwists3-11a) SSTS experience documentation form for individuals certified before 2/4/08 (wq-wwists3-13) SSTS experience documentation form for individuals certified on 2/4/08 through 3/13/11 (wq-wwists3-12) SSTS experience documentation form for individuals certified on or after 3/14/11 (wq-wwists3-12c) Product registration renewal verification affidavit (wq-wwists3-63) Proprietary distribution products - application for registration (wq-wwists3-60) Proprietary treatment products - application for registration (wq-wwists3-61) SSTS septic tank installation record/submission form (wq-wwists1-13) Sewage tank integrity assessment form (wq-wwists4-91) Sewage tank maintenance reporting form (wq-wwists4-38) SSTS enforcement referrals from local programs (wq-wwists3-32) SSTS ordinance checklist (wq-wwists5-11) SSTS training course accreditation application form (wq-wwists3-15) Temporary septage storage operating permit (wq-wwists5-16y) Wastewater treatment and dispersal operating permit template (wq-wwists5-15)