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Managing wastewater and stormwater is important for the health and safety of any community, with significant environmental and wildlife benefits. Financing is available for public entities that are looking to expand or improve their water infrastructure. Review the options and see financing for which you are eligible.

Project requirements

To receive funding from the Clean Water Revolving Fund (CWRF). Water Infrastructure Fund (WIF), or Point Source Implementation Water Grants (PSIG), municipal wastewater and stormwater projects must meet certain requirements and be listed on the state Project Priority List (PPL). Once projects are on the PPL, project proposers need to submit an approved Facilities Plan or Project Plan to apply to be listed on the Intended Use Plan (IUP). After the adoption of the IUP, projects have 6 months to submit plans and specs to be approved and certified by a MPCA engineer. Once the projects is certified it can proceed to complete remaining requirements for the loan award. 

Eligible wastewater projects must involve building new or improving, rehabilitating, expanding, or replacing existing wastewater collection or treatment facilities.

Eligible stormwater projects must:

Prioritizing projects for funding

To prepare the Project Priority List (PPL), which determines annual funding priorities, the MPCA scores and ranks wastewater and stormwater projects following criteria contained in Minn. R. 7077.0117 to 7077.0119. Projects are prioritized based on several factors, including:

  • the type of water the project discharges to and whether it's in need of specific protections or pollutant reductions.
  • if the project will help correct certain kinds of water quality problems.
  • if the project will reduce the volume of stormwater being discharged.

2026 Project Priority List accepting applications

Apply now to be on the 2026 PPL and Intended Use Plan (IUP) for the Clean Water and Drinking Water SRFs. Projects must be listed on the appropriate PPL to be eligible for the SRFs or Clean Water Legacy Fund programs. Projects must be on the 2026 IUP if they are seeking SRF financing in state fiscal year 2026 (July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026).

Project deadlines2026 PPL
(7/1/25 - 6/30/26)
2027 PPL
(7/1/26 - 6/30/27)
2028 PPL
(7/1/28 - 6/30/28)
Wastewater facility plans or stormwater project plans due to the MPCA (to ensure priority review)March 7, 2025March 6, 2026March 5, 2027
Request for placement on the Clean Water PPL due (MPCA)March 7, 2025March 6, 2026March 5, 2027
Request for placement on the Drinking Water PPL due (MDH)May 2, 2025May 1, 2026May 7, 2027
Request for placement on Intended Use Plan due (MPFA)June 6, 2025June 4, 2026June 4, 2027
MPCA's preliminary approval of wastewater facilities and stormwater project plans for Intended Use PlanJune 30, 2025June 30, 2026June 30, 2027

2025 PPL and IUP

The Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (MPFA) prepares an annual Intended Use Plan (IUP) based on the MPCA's PPL. It lists the projects and activities eligible for Clean Water SRF dollars during the state fiscal year. The 2025 Clean Water PPL and IUP were adopted Dec. 6, 2024.

PPL application materials

Public entities that would like to get their projects ranked on the Project Priority Lists must submit an application and scoring worksheet to

Wastewater projects

Stormwater projects
