The MPCA provides additional guidance on air permitting and regulation requirements:
- New source review – Obtain a permit before beginning construction on new major-emitting industrial facilities or major modifications of existing facilities that significantly increase emissions.
- Synthetic minor permit limits – Propose limits on your facility's operations to avoid certain types of regulatory requirements for air pollution.
- Stationary engines – Determine if your stationary engine or generator requires an air permit to operate.
- Zero emission vehicle credits for manufacturers – Earn credits for zero-emissions vehicles delivered for sale in Minnesota.
- Working with refrigerants – Get certified to work with the refrigerant chemicals used in refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioning units.
- Air permitting in south Minneapolis – Learn how the MPCA considers cumulative levels of pollution and their effects in evaluating air permit applications for the Phillips neighborhood in south Minneapolis.
- Modifying facilities with SIP requirements – Get approval for certain permit modifications for facilities that have site-specific state implementation plan requirements.