Application fees must be submitted with your permit application. The submittal cover page form will help you add up the points assigned to each type of permit application or request. Multiply the points assessed for your submittal by $285 to get your total fee.
Additional fees may be assessed if your permit requires added work. Choose the reviews you believe that your permit requires from the table below, and multiply the number of points by $285 for an estimate of additional fees.
The MPCA will send you a fee invoice around the time that its sends the draft permit for your review. Don't submit payment before you receive the invoice. The agency strives to avoid multiple invoices but may send more than one, if needed (due to change in scope, public comments, board meeting, etc.).
Additional review or analyses
Description | Points |
Modeling review1 (refined modeling only) – Does not apply to screening dispersion modeling2 review or reviewing air emissions risk analysis (AERA) modeling | 15 per refined modeling analysis, regardless of the number of pollutants modeled |
Best available control technology (BACT) review1 for all and all types of units involved. You may determine a single technology to be BACT for two or more pollutants, but each pollutant is still counted individually. | 15 per prevention of significant deterioration (PSD pollutant analyzed |
Lowest achievable emissions rate (LAER) review1 | 15 per non-attainment new source review (LAER) pollutant analyzed, regardless of the number and types of units involved |
Clean Air Act section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I) review1 (i.e., CAIR/CSAPR/transport rule) of any standard or other requirement related to interstate transport of pollutants | 10 per review, regardless of the number of pollutants or units involved |
40 CFR Pt. 75 CEM analysis1 | 10 per analysis, regardless of the number of pollutants or units involved |
New source performance standards (NSPS) review1 – Does not apply to registration, capped, and general permits | 10 per standard reviewed, regardless of the number of emission units under each standard |
National emissions standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) review1, 3 – Does not apply to registration, capped, and general permits, or case-by-case maximum achievable control technology (MACT) | 10 per standard reviewed, regardless of the number of emission units under each standard |
Case-by-case maximum achievable control technology review1 for each source category subject to 40 CFR pt. 63, subp. B | 20 per source category, regardless of the number of facility units under each category |
Netting analysis1 | 10 per PSD pollutant analyzed, regardless of the number and types of units involved |
Limits to remain below regulatory threshold1 in Part 70, NESHAP, environmental assessment worksheet (EAW), AERA, NSPS, PSD, and new source review (NSR) programs | 10 per regulatory threshold to be avoided, regardless of the number of pollutants or the number and types of units involved and limits imposed |
Plantwide applicability limit (PAL) | 20 per PSD pollutant for which a PAL limit is established, regardless of the number and types of units involved |
AERA review1 | 15 per AERA review, regardless of the number of emission units or pollutants involved |
Variance request under Minn. R. 7000.7000 | 35 per variance requested, regardless of the number of pollutants, or the number or type of emission units or rule provisions involved |
Confidentiality request under Minn. R. 7000.1300 | 2 per request, regardless of the number of pollutants, the number or type of emission units involved, or the number of elements to be kept confidential. |
1 If the review/analysis is required and regardless whether the applicant identifies it in the permit application
2 Screening dispersion modeling includes, but is not limited to, Dispersion Information Screening Procedures for Emission Risk Screening Evaluation (DISPERSE), EPA’s SCREEN3, AERSCREEN, VISCREEN level-1 analysis, and CAPS. Refined dispersion modeling includes, but is not limited to, AERMOD, AERMOD-PRIME/AERMET/AERMAP, CALPUFF, VISCREEN
3 The MPCA will not charge additional fees to change or incorporate a compliance option from a NESHAP, if the option is allowed in the standard and the affected unit and/or facility was not modified to qualify for such an option. For example, if you need to add an oxidizer to qualify for the standard's “control” option, you will be charged for the additional points, but if the equipment as originally permitted could have used the other compliance option (i.e., you want to add the “emission rate without controls”), there will be no additional fee.
EAW reviews
Required by | Points |
Part 4410.4300, subps. 18, items A and B; and 29 | 15 per review |
Part 4410.4300, subps. 8, items A and B; 10 items A, B, C and D; 16, items A and D; 17, items A to C and E to G; and 18, items B, D, E and F. | 35 per review |
Part 4410.4300, subps. 4; 5 items A & B; 13; 15; 16, items B & C; and 17 item D | 70 per review |
Special circumstances
Withdrawn applications – If you withdraw a permit application before a draft permit is issues, you will not be invoiced for additional fees.
Completeness review – If the MPCA determines that your application is incomplete, you applied for the wrong permit, don't need a permit, or your permit is denied, the agency won't charge additional fees. However, the application fee will not be returned.
Applicability reviews – No additional fees will be assessed for applicability requests.
Environmental impact statements (EIS) and permit applications – If you can clearly show that an activity that is subject to additional fees was completed as part of an EIS – and MPCA staff did no supplemental work for the permit – you may be able to avoid the additional fees. For example, reviewing emissions data, modeling and AERA review can be part of an EIS. But if emission estimates are changed as part of the permitting process, and additional modeling or review of the AERA is needed, the additional fees may be assessed.
Registration permits and administrative changes – For registration permit holders, changing facility contact names, ownership information, phone numbers, etc. is not considered an “administrative change” under Minn. R. 7002.0019, subp. 1(A) and doesn't require a fee.