The 2008 Minnesota Legislature passed a law that affects how the MPCA evaluates air permit applications for a very specific part of south Minneapolis. This law requires the MPCA to analyze and consider “cumulative levels and effects of past and current pollution” before a permit may be issued for a facility located in the area described by the statute.
- Minn. Stat. 116.07 subd. 4a
- Article: Cumulative risk assessment and environmental equity in air permitting: Interpretation, methods, community participation and implementation of a unique statute (2011)
The links below provide information about air permitting and the MPCA’s process for meeting the requirements of the statute.
Cumulative levels and effects process
The MPCA has developed a cumulative levels and effects (CL&E) process for permit projects located in the statute area. The process document describes what steps will need to be followed in conducting a cumulative levels and effects analysis. The reference document provides sources of information that will be used in the analysis.
Public participation plan
The MPCA is expanding outreach in the statute area to include notifications, announcements and updates about air permit applications, community information sessions during permit application review, and public information meetings.
Air permit applications for proposed projects
May 2021: Abbott Northwestern Hospital has proposed a project to remove old heating equipment and add new heating equipment. This project requires a modification to their air emission permit. In support of their application, Abbott has provided several technical analyses, including a Cumulative Levels and Effects review, an Air Emissions Risk Assessment, and an Air Dispersion Modeling report.
Issued air permits with completed CL and E analyses
Abbott Northwestern Hospital
This air permit was issued on February 21, 2013. The Abbott Northwestern Hospital air permit and technical support document (TSD) include a description of the facility, the basis for all permit requirements and detailed information about the CL and E analysis (the TSD begins on page 26).
Metro Transit Hiawatha Light Rail O&M Facility
The Metro Transit Light Rail O&M Facility air permit and technical support document (TSD) can be found at the link below. The TSD includes a description of the facility, the basis for the permit requirements, and detailed information about the CL&E analysis. The TSD begins on page 31. This air permit was issued August 25, 2011.
Risk assessment and impacts resources
- Minnesota Department of Health Asthma program — 651-201-5909
- Minnesota Department of Health Heart disease and stroke prevention program — 651-201-5405
- Minnesota Department of Health: Air values tables
- U.S. EPA: Concepts, methods and data sources for cumulative health risk assessment of multiple chemicals, exposures and effects - A resource document
- U.S. EPA: Framework for cumulative risk assessment
- Hennepin County: Survey of the health of all the population and the environment (SHAPE)
- Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: Asthma capitals