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Tractor in field pulling tanker with manure injection equipment attached.

Everyone who applies manure to cropland must observe application setbacks to water features and apply at agronomic rates.

When a feedlot owner applies for a permit, they must develop and maintain a manure management plan (MMP). Development of a MMP is recommended for all those that apply manure to ensure they utilize the nutrients properly, protect water quality, and minimize their cost for commercial fertilizers.

Manure management plan tools

Online Nutrient Management Tool is a new program for developing an MMP; you can import data from the older MPCA Manure Management Planner spreadsheet. Permit applications submitted to the MPCA will be required to utilize this tool to develop an MMP.

  • Coming soon: User guidance
  • Training events in February 2025. MPCA staff will give a 45-minute demonstration of the new online tool, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session. Participants may stay for an additional two hours if they would like to begin working on the MMP for their farm. 

Interactive Nutrient Management Planning Map displays requirements for manure application in sensitive areas across the state and identifies “vulnerable groundwater areas” as referenced in NPDES and SDS permits.

Support for the spreadsheet will be ending sometime in 2026. You must save the spreadsheet file to your computer for it to work correctly. Does not work on Mac. (v. 9.0):

Resources for small farms and those not required to have a MMP


These forms are not required when using the online Nutrient Management Tool.

Land application practices

Other resources