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Revisor ID: R-04599

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is planning new rules governing air quality. The main purpose of this rulemaking is to establish new rules for air toxics emissions reporting requirements as directed by Minnesota Session Law – 2023, Chapter 60, H.F. No. 2310.

10377: ALJ rule hearing - Air toxics emissions rulemaking
Calendar and clock

Rule hearing

An Administrative Law Judge will conduct a hearing on this proposed rule on starting at 3 p.m. on Feb. 27, 2025.

Procedural rulemaking documents

November 2024

July 2024

This rule concept summary contains the proposed amendments and a list of the air toxics proposed to be reported by facilities to the air toxics emissions inventory. This document was originally developed for the May 1, 2024, webinars, and to solicit feedback during April and May 2024. This document is intended to provide facilities and the public with an update on the rulemaking process. 

May 2024

April 2024

July 2023

The notice of Request for Comments on this rulemaking was published in the State Register (July 24, 2023); the MPCA specifically requested comments on the concepts for the rules.


Currently, Minnesota facilities with air permits voluntarily report emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs, also known as air toxics) every three years to the MPCA. The MPCA is planning rule amendments to require annual reporting on air toxics emissions from permitted facilities (except those with Option B registration permits) located in Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, or Washington counties. The MPCA has three main goals for these rule amendments as directed by Minnesota Session Law – 2023:

  1. Establish the requirements for air toxics emissions reporting for permitted facilities on an annual basis.
  2. Identify the air toxics to be reported.
  3. Amend permit and reporting processes to align with annual air toxics emissions reporting.

July 2020

The MPCA held a webinar about the current Minnesota air toxics reporting structure and what a potential mandatory reporting requirement could include. Through the webinar and subsequent comment period, MPCA heard from more than 60 Minnesotans and organizations. The MPCA will consider this input received in this rulemaking.


July 24, 2023Notice of Request for Comments published in State Register
April 1, 2024Notice of second Request for Comments published in State Register
Fall 2023 - Summer 2024Prepare draft rules and Statement of Need and Reasonableness
Nov. 25, 2024Notice of Intent to Adopt Proposed Rules published in State Register
To be determinedFinal adoption of rules
10377: GovDelivery: rulemaking air toxics emissions MNPCA_374
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