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The MPCA administers four National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)/State Disposal System (SDS) pesticide general permits that regulate the use of pesticides in and around lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands.

Entities that exceed a discharge threshold are required to submit an application for permit coverage — known as a notice of intent (NOI) — and pay an application fee. Those that do not exceed the threshold are not required to submit an NOI or an application fee, but are automatically covered by the permit and must comply with basic permit requirements. Federal regulations allow such a two-track approach for providing discharge authorization under an NPDES general permit (40 C.F.R. section 122.28).

Aquatic Plant Management permit holders

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources administers the Aquatic Plant Management (APM) program. APM permit holders can review the letter from MPCA that discusses what permitting steps are necessary by stakeholders depending on the location of their activities.

MPCA does not provide NPDES coverage to any pesticide discharge occurring within Indian Country, including those that may have state law APM coverage. The applicator and/or entity must obtain coverage under EPA’s NPDES Pesticide General Permit or an individual permit for application within a reservation. Refer to the online Permitting Decision Tool.

Pesticide NPDES permit steps to compliance

Steps to compliance will help you decide if the permit affects you, learn what your responsibilities are, and show you what records to keep.

  1. Pesticide permit applicability and thresholds
  2. Pesticide permit notice of intent
  3. Requirements for pesticide dischargers
  4. Report adverse pesticide incidents
  5. Terminating a pesticide permit


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