The contaminated groundwater discharge general permit covers discharges of contaminated groundwater to surface water or land; the permit is required if the water is, or has the potential to be, contaminated. The permit addresses the most common causes of contaminated groundwater, including releases of petroleum, volatile organic compounds, and other hazardous substances.
For discharges to surface water or land
Individual permits
Not all contaminated groundwater pumpout discharges are covered by the general permit. Some projects that could contribute to violations of water quality standards, involve agricultural chemicals, contain polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins, or furans, or meet certain other criteria must have an individual permit. See the guidance below for more information. Individual permits will require additional processing time and higher application fees, and will be subject to a 30-day public notice period.
Permits must be obtained before any discharges occur.
How to apply
- Include the $1,240 application fee for general permit coverage. Fees for individual permits are calculated using the wastewater fee schedule.
- Projects with Category II and III discharges must submit priority pollutant scan analysis of the proposed discharge as defined in 40 CFR, Part 423.
- Site diagram showing the discharge path from pumpout, through treatment, and to the receiving water or land application. Discharges to municipal stormwater systems will need documented approval from the municipality.
- When chemical additives will be used to treat contaminated water, additional information may be required — see the guidance document below.