The capped emission permit is designed for non-complex facilities that do not require site-specific permit conditions. State rules allows facilities with capped permits that comply with requirements and have emissions no greater than 90% of federal permitting thresholds to make physical and operational changes without getting advance approval or a permit amendment. Capped permit holders can be subject to any of the 14 federal new source performance standards listed for registration permits.
Facilities must conduct ambient air quality assessments when applying for a capped permit or when required to do a pre-change analysis. A facility can use the CAPS spreadsheet or SCREEN3 for each pollutant standard:
Public comments on applications
The MPCA must post applications for capped emission permits so the public has 30 days to review and comment on the eligibility of the applicant. Eligibility and compliance requirements for capped state permits are in Minn. R. 7007.1140 to 7007.1148.
Submit comments online, or send written comments by the comment period end date to Beckie Olson at 520 Lafayette Road N, St. Paul, MN, 55155-4194. Comments must include a statement of the respondent’s interest in the permit application, information related to the applicant's eligibility, the action you are requesting from the MPCA, and the reasons supporting your position, with enough detail that it can be investigated.
The MPCA typically issues capped permits 60 to 90 days after the application is received.