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2024 Wastewater Operations and Collection Systems Conference

This conference will be a 2-1/2-day (contact hours: 16 Wastewater) in-person event combining wastewater operations and collection systems topics.

  • Includes a plenary session and a keynote speaker followed by concurrent tracks (break-out sessions) offering a wide variety of priority topics for the entire industry. 
  • Offers a trade show showcasing products, services, and new technology. Vendors are available at each booth to meet with attendees and answer questions. 
  • A wide variety of topics including utility locating; maintaining critical infrastructure; trenching and trenchless technologies; asset management; pumps and pump maintenance; managing fats, oils, and grease; private laterals; SCADA and electrical generation; managing pipelines and condition assessment; lift stations and flow management; case studies; operation of stabilization ponds; pump controls; new technologies; pre-treatment and industrial wastewater management; permits and annual reporting; LSTS; biosolids management; new treatment plants and upgrades for existing facilities; asset management and maintaining critical infrastructure; sampling requirements and laboratory procedures; nutrient removal; regulatory requirements; activated sludge; emerging issues; and flooding and managing bypasses. 
  • Great opportunities to network with your colleagues and learn about all that’s new or evolving in the wastewater industry. 

This conference is for continuing education hours only. There is no exam refresher or exam session offered at this event; they will be offered separately Feb. 4-6, 2025.