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The federal Clean Water Act requires states to review their water quality standards every three years and solicit public input on the need for revising or adding to state standards. The triennial standards review (TSR) gives the public a formal opportunity to provide wide-ranging comments about water quality standards. Otherwise, opportunities for the public to comment on water quality standards are generally confined to specific, proposed rulemaking projects.

The MPCA has reviewed the need for additions and revisions to water quality standard (WQS). This review has included evaluating standards completed since the last TSR 2021-2023 workplan, considering new scientific information on the impacts of pollutants, and considering changing program needs. As a result of this evaluation and a review of resources for developing and implementing WQS, the MPCA has created an updated workplan. MPCA is currently requesting public comments for the draft 2025–2027 water quality standards workplan. The work plan details the specific projects and a general timeline for each.

The MPCA specifically requests public comments on the WQS projects in the draft workplan, but comments are welcome on other water quality work: 

14036: Triennial standards review feedback
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Provide feedback

Submit written comments through SmartComment by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 7, 2025. All submissions will be included in the TSR record.


Dec. 9, 2024Notice of request for comments published in the State Register
Jan. 23, 2025Public meeting (6 p.m.)
Jan. 28, 2025Public meeting (11 a.m.)
Feb. 7, 2025End of public comment period
February-March 2025 Review and respond to public feedback; update draft workplan
April 2025Submit final workplan to EPA for approval
To be determinedEPA approval of workplan
GovDelivery: Water quality standards MNPCA_79
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