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The MPCA is aware of supply chain issues currently affecting proprietary UV (ultraviolet) disinfection devices used in advanced (Type IV) subsurface sewage treatment systems (SSTS). These shortages may affect both existing and proposed systems using this technology. Review the posted guidance for working through these issues.

Treatment products registered for use in Minnesota

MPCA product registration letters, which specify the conditions for use in Minnesota, are posted below the table.

Product names and modelsManufacturerTreatment levels
 A  B  A2  B2  C TN 10 mg/LTN 20 mg/L
Aero-Stream AS450-1, AS500-1, AS600-1, AS750-1, AS1000-1, AS1500-1Aero-Stream     X  
Aero-Stream AS450-2, AS450-3, AS500-2, AS500-3, AS600-2, AS600-3, AS750-2, AS750-3, AS1000-2, AS1000-3, AS1500-2, AS1500-3Aero-Stream    X X  
AdvanTex; AX20 Series and AX100 Series AX20, AX20-2, AX20-3, AX20-4, AX20-5, and AX100Orenco Systems   X X X  X
AdvanTex; AX20 Series and AX100 AX20, AX20-2, AX20-3, AX20-4, AX20-5, and AX100 with AXUV disinfectionOrenco Systems X X X X X  X
AdvanTex; AXRT Series AX20RT, AX25RTOrenco Systems   X X X  X
AdvanTex; AXRT Series AX20RT, AX25RT with AXUV disinfectionOrenco Systems X X X X X  X
Amphidrome Wastewater Treatment SystemF.R. Mahony & Associates   X X X  X
Amphidrome Plus Wastewater Treatment SystemF.R. Mahony & Associates   X X X X X
BioBarrier MBR 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5Bio-Microbics X X X X X  X
Ecoflo Coco Filter ECP-450P, ECP-450P PACK, ECP-750P, ECP-860P, ECP-970P, ECP-450G, ECP-450G PACK, ECP-750G, ECP-860G, ECP-970G, ECC-500G, ECC-600G, ECC-860G, ECC-400P, ECC-500P, ECC-600P, ECC-860PPremier Tech Aqua  X  X X  
Ecopod E50-N, E60-N, E75-N, E100-N, E150-N, E200-N, E250-N E300-N, E450-N, E500-N, and E900NInfiltrator Water Technologies, LLC   X X X  X
Ecopod E50-N, E60-N, E75-N, E100-N, E150-N, E200-N, E250-N, E300-N with Salcor 3G UV disinfectionInfiltrator Water Technologies, LLC X X X X X  X
Eljen GSF A42 and B43Eljen Corp.  X  X X  
E-Z Treat Recirculating Synthetic Sand Filter Models 600, 750 & 1200E-Z Treat Co.   X X X  X
E-Z Treat Recirculating Synthetic Sand Filter Models 600, 750 & 1200 with E-Z UV disinfectionE-Z Treat Co. X X X X X  X
FujiClean CE Series CE5, CE7, CE10, CE14Fuji Clean    X X  
FujiClean CEN Series CEN5, CEN7, CEN10Fuji Clean    X X X X
FujiClean CEN Series CEN5, CEN7, CEN10 with Salcor 3G UV disinfectionFuji Clean  X  X X X X
Hoot H-Series H-500, H-600, H-750, H-900, H-1000, and H-1200Hoot Systems  X X X X  
Hoot H-Series H-500, H-600, H-750, H-900, H-1000, and H-1200 with Salcor 3G UV disinfectionHoot Systems X X X X X  
Hydro-Action AP-500, AP-600, AP-750, AP-1000, and AP-1500AK/HA Manufacturing    X X  
Hydro-Action AP-500, AP-600, AP-750, AP-1000, and AP-1500 with Salcor 3G UV disinfectionAK/HA Manufacturing  X  X X  
Hydro-Kinetic 600 FEUNorweco   X X X X X
Hydro-Kinetic 600 FEU with AT 1500 UV disinfectionNorweco X X X X X X X
MicroFAST 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.9,1.5, 3.0, 4.5, and 9.0Bio-Microbics   X X X  X
MicroFAST 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.9, and 1.5 with Salcor 3G UV disinfectionBio-Microbics X X X X X  X
MicroFAST 3.0, 4.5, and 9.0 with Norweco chlorine disinfectionBio-Microbics X X X X X  X
Multi-Flo FTB-0.5, FTB-0.6, FTB-0.75, FTB-1.0, and FTB-1.5Consolidated Treatment Systems   X X X  
Multi-Flo FTB-0.5, FTB-0.6, FTB-0.75, FTB-1.0, and FTB-1.5 with Salcor 3G UV disinfectionConsolidated Treatment Systems X X X X X  
Nayadic M-6A, M-8A, M-1050A, M-1200A, and M-2000AConsolidated Treatment Systems    X X  
NitriFAST and ABC-N; used in the treatment train with MicroFASTBio-Microbics      X X
Puraflo Peat Fiber Biofilter; Open and Closed Bottom; Open Bottom 1A to 10A; Closed Bottom 1B to 10BANUA  X X X X  
PuraSys SBR PS1-4, PS1-5, PS1-6, PS1-7, PS1-8, PS1-9, PS1-10, PS1-11, PS1-12, PS1-13, PS1-14ANUA    X X  X
Quanics AeroCell ATS-4, ATS-6, ATS-8, ATS-16, ATS-540, ATS-1060, ATS-1530, ATS-NS500, ATS-NS750, ATS-NS1000, ATS-NS500-80/20, ATS-NS750-80/20, ATS-NS1000-80/20ANUA X X X X X X X
RetroFAST 0.15, 0.25, and 0.375Bio-Microbics    X X  X
RetroFAST 0.15, 0.25, and 0.375 with Salcor 3G UV disinfectionBio-Microbics  X  X X  X
SludgeHammer S-400 and S-600SludgeHammer Group    X X  
Singulair 960-500, 960-750, 960-1000, 960-1250, and 960-1500Norweco   X X X  
Singulair TNT-500, TNT-750, TNT-1000, TNT-1250, and TNT-1500Norweco   X X X  X
Singulair TNT-500, TNT-750, TNT-1000, TNT-1250, and TNT-1500 with AT 1500 UV disinfectionNorweco X X X X X  X
Waterloo Biofilter Systems Wire Mesh Basket: Model 440Waterloo Biofilter Systems   X X X  X
Single pass sand filterpublic domain X X X X X  
Recirculating sand filterpublic domain    X X  

High-strength sewage products

Product names and modelsManufacturerTreatment levels
AdvanTex AX100 seriesOrenco Systems    X 
Alpha Max, Alpha, Flex, Alpha HydraWexco Environmental    X 
Amphidrome Wastewater Treatment System (no specified models)F.R. Mahony & Associates    X 
BioBarrier HSMBR 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, and 9.0Bio-Microbics    X 
ECOPOD-D seriesInfiltrator Water Technologies, LLC    X 
EHS SMART-Treat Wastewater Treatment System (no specified models)Environmental Health Products and Service    X 
HighStrengthFAST models 1.0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, and 9.0Bio-Microbics    X 
The Nibbler models SBP and CBPAqua Test    X 
SludgeHammer S-86, S-86 with Tank Bottom Diffuser, S-86 with Medusa DiffuserSludgeHammer Group    X 
White Knight MIG models WK 40, WK 78, WK 150, and WK 200Knight Treatment Systems, Inc.    X 

The product listing does not constitute MPCA approval of the manufacturer's marketing, advertising, or labeling practices or an endorsement of the products. Information obtained from the manufacturer is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer or other provider. Proprietary technologies are those subject to a patent or trademark. Public domain products were not developed by a specific company and don't have a patent or trademark.

Public domain treatment products

Product registration letters

These letters to product manufacturers specify the conditions for the product's use in Minnesota.

Manufacturer’s manuals

Manufacturers must submit manuals during the registration process that offer product information including design, installation, operation, and maintenance requirements, and homeowner information, specific to use in Minnesota. The manuals are housed on the University of Minnesota's Onsite Sewage Treatment Program web page: