Minnesota industrial facilities that are required to submit Form R reports for Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) chemicals under the state and federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) must prepare pollution prevention plans and report on their pollution prevention efforts each year. Some must also pay pollution prevention fees.
The MPCA worked with the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) and the Minnesota EPCRA program to develop a guide to pollution-prevention planning. In addition to information on developing the required plans, the guide helps businesses incorporate waste reduction into operational planning:
Minnesota businesses covered by EPCRA that report toxic chemical releases must also pay pollution prevention fees to the MPCA. Large-quantity generators of hazardous waste (those generating more than 1,000 kilograms per month) must pay an annual $500 fee – not triggered by chemical releases – but may forgo the annual fee in years when they must pay fees related to chemical releases.
Pollution prevention fees fund MnTAP, a program at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health that helps businesses reduce waste and pollution and save money.
Fee amounts
- Facilities considered large quantity generators of hazardous waste that don't do TRI reports pay a flat fee of $500
- TRI facilities reporting toxic-chemical releases of less than 25,000 pounds in a year must pay $500. TRI facilities reporting releases in excess of 25,000 pounds pay $0.02 per pound of chemicals released, with no maximum fee.
- The total amount of releases include both those reported on Section 8.1 of the TRI Form R and off-site transfers for waste treatment or disposal in Section 8.7 of Form R. Quantities transferred off-site for recycling and energy recovery as reported on the same form are not included in the total.
- In addition, a fee of $150 is assessed for each toxic chemical reported released.
Reporting errors
TRI reporters: If you believe that the information on your fee statement does not match information supplied to the Minnesota EPCRA program on Form R, contact the program at 651-201-7417 to request the information be verified.
Large quantity generators in the seven-county metro: If you believe you are not a large quantity generator, contact your county hazardous waste office. Ask them to notify the MPCA (see contact at left) in writing of a change in your generator status.
Large quantity generators in Greater Minnesota: If you believe you are not a large quantity generator, email the MPCA’s pollution prevention fee coordinator at p2.pca@state.mn.us about a change in your status.