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Find out what’s being done in Minnesota’s watersheds to protect and improve water quality. We will update the information each July, based on data from the previous year.

  • WRAPS status - The MPCA and its partners prepare Watershed restoration and protection strategy (WRAPS) reports for each watershed to recommend actions needed to improve and protect water quality. Use this tool to see how many Minnesota watersheds have final WRAPS reports.
  • TMDL status - A total maximum daily load report (TMDL) establishes the amount of pollutant an impaired body of water can accept and still meet water quality standards, and the amount of reduction needed to meet the standard. Use this tool to track the MPCA's effort to develop TMDLs for all impaired waters.
  • Wastewater treatment plant progress - Use this tool to see how wastewater facilities in Minnesota are doing in reducing phosphorus and other pollutants from their discharges.
  • Best management practices implemented by watershed - Find actions taken in each watershed to reduce contaminated runoff from rural and agricultural lands. Best practices include planting cover crops, improving septic systems, stabilizing streambanks, restoring wetlands, and much more.
  • Spending for implementation projects - Learn about state, local, and federal spending on projects around the state that are designed to restore or protect water quality. Track spending by county or watershed.

More information on Clean Water Legacy Act reporting.