Electronics recyclers accept electronic devices from households or collectors in Minnesota. They dismantle the devices for further processing or process the devices into raw materials for use in new products. In Minnesota, electronics recyclers must register with the state each program year (July 1 to June 30) in order to accept devices from Minnesota households.
Register and report
By July 15 each year, register and report on collection activities for the program year just ended (July 1 to June 30) using Re-Trac Connect.
For recyclers registered in the previous program year: you must have a completed registration and reporting form from the previous year to complete registration for the current year. Required information:
- company contact
- location of recycling sites (Minnesota sites must have a hazardous waste generator ID)
- proof of $1 million in liability insurance coverage
- weight of recycled covered electronic devices (CED) received and where the devices came from
- sales of eligible program pounds
Through registration and reporting, recyclers certify that they:
- comply with all applicable health, environmental, safety, and financial responsibility regulations.
- are licensed by all applicable governmental authorities.
- use no prison labor to recycle video display devices.
- submitted a recycler certification form (see below).
Recycler certification
Recycling electronics involves handling hazardous materials, such as lead, cadmium, and mercury. The products must be managed properly to avoid harming the environment and human health. Minnesota CED recyclers must submit proof to the MPCA that they are approved by their local unit of government and comply with local and state requirements.
The form must be signed by an official from your county or city solid or hazardous waste zoning office.
Guidance on CRT panel glass
Only certain end uses for panel glass from cathode-ray tubes (CRTs) are considered "recycling" under the Minnesota Electronics Recycling Act:
- glass-to-glass recycling
- ceramics
- building blocks (glass)
- flat-panel displays
- insulation (fiberglass)
- decorative tile
- work surfaces (countertops)
- glass beads (reflective paint)
- costume jewelry
- marbles
Any other uses of CRT panel glass from CED can't be reported as recycled or sold to manufacturers to meet the obligation under the act. Contact us to discuss potential additional uses of CRT panel glass.