Working for a healthy and prosperous Minnesota
The MPCA monitors environmental quality, offers technical and financial assistance and enforces
environmental regulations in Minnesota.
We strive for clean air and water, sustainable lands, a better climate, and a thriving economy

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Moving Minnesota forward
Home: Thriving communities
Thriving communities
We strive to ensure that all Minnesotans have healthy air, sustainable lands, clean water, and a better climate, no matter where they choose to live and work.
Home: Vibrant farms
Vibrant farms
We join forces with farmers to create solutions that support their livelihood and lead to a cleaner environment.
Home: Responsible growth
Responsible growth
We seek ways to protect the environment and grow our economy with sustainable, responsible businesses that attract a vibrant, growing workforce.
Home: Better climate
Better climate
We find innovative ways to reduce our carbon footprint to help protect our economy, natural environment, and quality of life from impacts of climate change.