Recommended for operators and inspectors who need to renew their Type IV certificate or who need a refresher. Reviews land-application management procedures, including elements of the basic course. Topics include site suitability, application rates, permitting requirements, and waste management. This training event also offers the option to attend an all-day breakout session focused on industrial byproducts, which is for Type IV operators who land apply industrial wastes, including food processing, industrial wastewater sludge, pretreatment sludge, and more. Typically offered every year as an in-person event and as an online webinar. No exam.
- Location and date are tentative.
- Contact hours: 6 Type IV or 6 Wastewater
Learn more: Wastewater training and certification
Registration information
Registration form
Lodging information
- Reserve your room online or call 651-714-8068, using Group Code PCA.
After March 1, 2025, the room block is released to the general public.