Septic system tank installation fee
SSTS installers pay the MPCA a $25 fee for each septic system tank they install (Minn. Stat. 155 551). This fee is limited to $25 per Type IV system regardless of the number of tanks in the Type IV system.
Every SSTS installer must submit the SSTS tank installation record/submission form to the MPCA by January 31 for the year just ended, even if they installed no septic system tanks. The agency will then send an invoice to every installer for the year's tanks, typically in February.
The law directs the MPCA to use revenue from septic tank fees to increase its SSTS program service in:
- New technology review
- Technical assistance for local governments
- Training SSTS professionals
- Program planning
- Enforcement under Minnesota Statutes, sections 115.55 to 115.58
The MPCA requires local governments to record all the septic system tanks installed in their jurisdiction each year. Local governments report these numbers to the agency, and the MPCA will compare them to the number of installations reported by SSTS installers.
System abandonment
All SSTS with no intent for future use must be abandoned in accordance with Minn. R. 7080.2500, to ensure sewage discharge is only routed to authorized receptacles and to mitigate risks associated with decaying underground cavities on a property. Local governments may also have abandonment requirements.