Hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride are considered high global warming potential (GWP) greenhouse gases. Because of their potency, the MPCA collects information about their sale and use in Minnesota. Companies required to report:
Automobile manufacturers report on the amount of refrigerant that leaks from air conditioners used in new passenger cars, trucks and SUVs sold on or after January 1, 2009. Reporting forms and leakage rate data are available below.
Manufacturers of high global warming potential gases must report the amount that they sell annually in Minnesota. The report for sales made in the previous year is due by October 1 of the current year.
Companies purchasing more than 10,000 metric tons (CO2-equivalent) of any one high global warming potential gas annually must report purchases of all high GWP chemicals. The report for purchases made in the previous year is due by October 1 of the current year.
Submit completed forms to hgwp.pca@state.mn.us.
Leakage from vehicle air conditioners
Vehicle air conditioning systems contain many parts, and refrigerant chemicals can leak out at connections or through the hoses. The Next Generation Energy Act of 2007 requires that automobile manufacturers report the average amount of HFC-134a that leaks from air conditioners in most new passenger cars, pick-up trucks, and SUVs starting with model year 2009. Heavy-duty vehicles aren't included in the requirement.
Manufacturers must submit the results of the air conditioner leakage rate calculation to the MPCA at least 90 days prior to when the model will be offered for sale in Minnesota.
NOTE: Manufacturers who sell vehicles under another company's brand may report for all the vehicles it produces. They should coordinate with marketers to ensure all makes and models are reported and avoid duplication.
Complete a report for each model or group and submit completed forms to MobileAirReport.PCA@state.mn.us.
Leakage rate data
The air conditioner leakage rate information submitted by the car manufacturers are an average for the type of vehicle over the course of a year. Individual vehicles may have a different leakage rates. The leakage rate is determined by the types of connectors, compressor, and hoses in the air conditioner assembly.