Minnesota is fortunate to have an abundance of high quality groundwater resources throughout most of the state. However, in many areas, our groundwater resources are vulnerable to contamination.
Each year, we sample a network of approximately 270 shallow monitoring wells that are located in non-agricultural areas overlying vulnerable aquifers. The monitoring-well network is an early warning system designed to detect contamination as it enters the groundwater system. This allows us to identify the sources of the contamination and possibly design and implement best management practices to prevent contamination.
Monitoring network at a glance
- Roughly 40 domestic wells and 230 new monitoring wells located in nonagricultural areas overlying vulnerable aquifers
- The wells are not near known areas of contamination and are representative of specific land uses
- Water analyzed for nitrate, chloride, volatile organic compounds, and metals
- Roughly 40 wells are analyzed each year for contaminants of emerging concern
Groundwater monitoring results
Find monitoring results from the MPCA's ambient groundwater monitoring and other monitoring programs.
- Groundwater data: Text-based search: Search by ID number or other criteria to find groundwater monitoring stations, and view or download station data.
- Groundwater data: Map-based search: View or download data from specific groundwater monitoring stations
Monitoring PFAS in groundwater
MPCA conducted PFAS monitoring across the ambient groundwater network in 2013 and 2019 (results not yet available). MPCA is considering the need for regular PFAS monitoring in the ambient network.
More information
Learn about how we use groundwater and how our actions can affect it: