According to a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) enforcement investigation, Hartel’s Disposal LLC discharged used motor oil and automotive fluids from a network of floor drains directly onto the ground around two of its buildings located in Proctor, Minn. The company also failed to stop the discharges and clean up the contamination.
The company improperly stored and disposed of paint thinner, failed to apply for a hazardous waste identification number and operated two sites without required industrial stormwater permits.
In addition to paying a $20,000 civil penalty to the MPCA, Hartel’s Disposal must:
- Eliminate daylighting floor drains within all buildings.
- Provide documentation that all contaminated soils were properly excavated and disposed of.
- Obtain required industrial stormwater permits and a hazardous waste identification number.
- Submit a plan to properly store and dispose of paint thinner.
MPCA rules and regulations are designed to protect human health and the environment by limiting pollution emissions and discharges from facilities. When companies do not fully comply with regulatory requirements, the resulting pollution can be harmful to people and the environment.
When calculating penalties, the MPCA takes into account how seriously the violations affected or could have affected the environment, and whether they were first-time or repeat violations. The agency also attempts to recover the economic benefit the company gained by failing to comply with environmental laws in a timely manner.