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News release

May 16, 2024


MPCA Communications,

Elliott Auto Supply Co. fined $75,000 for hazardous waste violations at St. Paul facility

According to a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) enforcement investigation, Elliott Auto Supply Co. improperly stored hazardous wastes and allowed them to accumulate and leak inside its vehicle fluid manufacturing facility in St. Paul, Minn. The company also failed to properly train staff in hazardous waste management. 

Ramsey County and MPCA staff inspections in February 2023 confirmed alleged violations including:

  • Failure to rapidly and thoroughly recover hazardous waste that had leaked inside the facility.
  • Failure to ship hazardous waste off site within 90 days of accumulating the waste.
  • Failure to provide adequate aisle space for hazardous waste storage containers for emergency operations.
  • Failure to ensure proper staff training in hazardous waste management procedures.

In addition to paying the $75,000 civil penalty, Elliott Auto Supply has completed a series of corrective actions to bring the facility into compliance including:

  • Recovering all hazardous waste spills and developing a spill management plan.
  • Shipping all hazardous waste containers stored for 90 days or more to an off-site handling facility.

MPCA rules and regulations are designed to protect human health and the environment by limiting pollution emissions and discharges from facilities. When companies do not fully comply with regulatory requirements, the resulting pollution can be harmful to people and the environment. 

When calculating penalties, the MPCA considers how seriously the violations affected or could have affected the environment, and whether they were first-time or repeat violations. The agency also attempts to recover the economic benefit the company gained by failing to comply with environmental laws in a timely manner. 

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