Mesabi Metallics is currently constructing a new taconite mine and taconite pellet production facility on the site of the former Butler Taconite Mining Company facility near Nashwauk.
Mesabi Metallics needs to update its air and water quality permits after changes in the project’s surface and mineral leases and the expiration of the project’s existing permits.
Our role
The MPCA is responsible for issuing and enforcing permits that limit air emissions and water discharge from the Mesabi Metallics operations to protect the environment and health of Minnesotans. Those permits reflect current state laws and regulations.
The MPCA has received applications from Mesabi Metallics to renew its air and water permits. The MPCA is now reviewing those applications.
Project information
The mining operation that Mesabi Metallics has planned for the site will mine and process iron ore from an open-pit taconite mine.
Once the facility completes construction and begins operations, the main sources of emissions at the facility will be dust from mining, material crushing, and handling sources; combustion emissions from the pellet furnace; and dust from the tailings basin.
The MPCA first issued air and water permits for the facility to then-owner/operator Minnesota Steel Industries in 2007, then issued major amendments to those permits in 2012 to then-owner/operator Essar Steel Minnesota.
The existing wastewater permit authorizes operation of a tailings basin as well as the on-site discharge and management of stormwater and water pumped from the mine pit. The existing permit does not authorize any off-site discharge of water pumped from the mine pit, process wastewater, tailings basin water, or industrial stormwater.
Next steps and timeline
The MPCA is currently establishing a timeline for reviewing the project and application materials.