Join us for an online public informational meeting to learn more about a major amendment to Water Gremlin’s air permit. This event offers the public an opportunity to learn more and ask questions. A short presentation will be provided at 6 p.m.
Water Gremlin’s application for a major amendment to their air permit would allow the company to convert some of its coaters from a solvent-based coating system to a non-solvent-based coating system, and to authorize installation of additional pollution control equipment at many sources in the facility. The revised draft air major permit amendment covers regulation of the entire the facility.
A proposed draft air major permit amendment was first placed on public notice on July 20, 2022, through August 20, 2022. Comments were received from interested parties and the permittee. MPCA staff reviewed all the comments and made corrections and clarifications to the draft air major permit amendment and technical support document.
The MPCA will propose action on the air major permit amendment application no later than February 1, 2023, through a separate public notification process. At that time, a copy of the public notice, the revised draft air major permit amendment, and revised Technical Support Document will be available on the MPCA’s website.
This meeting is for revised draft air major permit amendment No. 12300341-101 to Water Gremlin’s air permit No. 12300341-003. The MPCA is posting notice of this public meeting in newspapers of general circulation in White Bear Lake Township and on the MPCA website for public notices pursuant to Minn. R. 7001.0120 and Minn. R. 7007.0850 subpart 2(A)(3). The meeting will be recorded for those who are unable to attend in person.