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Ag-Urban Partnership Forum

Agricultural and urban partners are working together to prepare for extreme weather events and improve water quality around Minnesota. This fourth annual event focused on extreme weather resiliency, with keynote speaker, Heidi Roop, Ph.D., director, Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership at the University of Minnesota.

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9 a.m.  Welcome

9:15 a.m.  Keynote presentation: Coordination and collaboration for effective climate risk management in Minnesota (Heidi Roop, Ph.D., director, University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership)

  • Learn more about the observed and projected impacts of climate change in Minnesota and how to leverage partnerships and collaborate to respond to a range of climate risks challenging Minnesota communities, ecosystems and economy.

10 a.m.  Break

10:15 a.m.  Successful partnership perspectives

  • Municipal weatherproofing. Learn more from the City of Albany and Stearns County Soil & Water Conservation District about their water-based infiltration and wetland restoration project that is helping to manage heavy rain events and prevent flooding.
  • Building resiliency through soil health. Wilkin County Soil & Water Conservation District is undergoing an extensive soil health study related tillage treatments and adapting to weather changes. Farmer Vance Johnson will share what he’s learned 2 years into the 5 year project, and how soils, water and economics are all being monitored through crop rotations.
  • Water communities tackling climate change. Hear how Minnesota watersheds are using their local water management plans to build resiliency to climate change, and their ideas for working with local partners.

11:45 a.m.  Closing

Sponsoring partners

This forum is organized through collaboration among the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program, along with the cooperation of agriculture, community and water partners, including: Water Resources Center at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation, Minnesota Beef Council, Minnesota Corn Growers Association, Minnesota Pork Board, Minnesota Farmers Union, Minnesota Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts, Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts, Capitol Regional Watershed District, West Polk Soil & Water Conservation District, City of Rochester, City of Renville, and City of Mankato.

Silhouette of urban and rural landscapes. Text reads Ag-Urban Partnership Forum, Working together to improve water quality.