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Minnesota businesses, organizations, and municipalities seeking or holding MPCA wastewater permits are charged two basic types of permit fees: application fees and annual fees. The statute covering application and annual fees is Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4d. Basic permit fee requirements are in Minn. Rules Ch. 7002.

Application fees

Fees are determined based on points assigned to each permit action in two categories: application points and additional points. Each point represents $310 in fees.

  1. Application points are based on the permit action and the work necessary to complete it.
  2. Additional points are based on the size of the project and the activities necessary based on a specific flow volume.

Annual fees

Yearly fees based on a facility's permit type and flow capacity.

Application fees

Application fees reflect the level of effort required to process the application and develop the permit. Fees must be submitted with the application.

Water quality wastewater permit application points fees

Permit action Points ($310 per point) Application fee
Transfer/name change 0 $0
Permit termination 0 $0
General permit coverage 4 $1,240
General permit modification 4 $1,240
Individual permit reissuance, no modifications 4 $1,240
Individual permit minor modification request 4 $1,240
Individual permit major modification request (no construction) 8 $2,480
Individual permit major modification request (construction, no increased design flow) 8 $2,480
Individual pretreatment permit 8 $2,480
Individual dredge material disposal permit 8 $2,480
Individual permit major modification request (construction, increased design flow) 30 $9,300
Individual wastewater permit 30 $9,300
Individual biosolids treatment or storage permit 30 $9,300
Sewer extension, flow Increase of 0 to 0.10 million gallons per day 1 $310
Sewer extension, flow Increase of 0.10 to 1 million gallons per day 2 $620
Sewer extension, flow Increase greater than 1 million gallons per day 3 $930

Additional information on various permit actions and the points assigned:

Additional application fees

Additional application fees for specific permit actions reflect the additional work needed to review those applications. The applicant will be billed when the permit is placed on public notice, and the fees must be paid before the permit will be issued, reissued, or modified.

Wastewater permit application additional fees

Permit action Points ($310 per point) Additional fee
Antidegradation review 20 $6,200
Variance request 35 $10,850
Confidentiality request 2 $620


Individual permit: new or increased maximum daily or average wet weather design flow

  • not applicable to non-contact cooling water discharges

  • not due to mine pit or quarry de-watering or sewer extensions

Flow increase Points ($310 per point) Additional fee
0 to 0.2 million gallons per day 0 $0
0.2 to less than 1 million gallons per day 5 $1,550
1 million to less than 5 million gallons per day 10 $3,100
5 million to less than 20 million gallons per day 20 $6,200
20 million to less than 50 million gallons per day 30 $9,300
50 million gallons per day or more 40 $12,400


Individual permit with noncontact cooling water discharge, new or increased flow

Flow increase Points ($310 per point) Additional fee
Less than 50 million gallons per day 5 $1,550
50 million gallons per day or more 20 $6,200

Mandatory environmental assessment worksheet (EAW)

  • Where MPCA is the responsible government unit
  • If an EAW is required for both air quality and water quality, permittee will pay lower of the two fees.
Applicable regulation Points ($310 per point Additional fee
Complete EAW under Minn. R. 4410.4300, subp. 18 item A or 29 15 $4,650
Complete EAW under Minn. R. 4410.4300, subp. 8 item A or B, 10 items A to C, 16 item A or D; 17 items A to C or E to G; or 18 item B or C 35 $10,850
Complete EAW under Minn. R. 4410.4300, subp. 4; 5 item A or B; 13; 15; 16 item B or C; or 17 item D 70 $21,700

Annual fees

Annual fees depend on permit type and in some cases, a facility's design flow or design capacity.

Water quality wastewater permit annual fees 

Major/non Facility type Design flow Annual fee
General Generals (not including Stormwater General) N/A $345
Major Municipal 50+ MGD $175,500
Major Municipal 20 - 49.99 MGD $40,350
Major Municipal 5 - 19.99 MGD $14,350
Major Municipal Up to 4.99 MGD $5,900
Major Industrial 20 - 49.99 MGD $44,200
Major Industrial 5 - 19.99 MGD $18,250
Major Industrial Up to 4.99 MGD $8,450
Major Industrial - Cooling/Mine Pit Dewatering Any flow $16,900
Nonmajor Municipal > 100,000 GD $1,450
Nonmajor Municipal 0 - 100,000 GD $505
Nonmajor Municipal - Sewage sludge/Landspread only N/A $500
Nonmajor Industrial N/A $1,230
Nonmajor Non-municipal Sewage 0 - 100,000 GD $495
Nonmajor Non-municipal Sewage  >  100,000 GD $1,230