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The Clean Water Council was created to advise the Legislature and the Governor on the administration and implementation of the 2006 Clean Water Legacy Act (Minn. Stat. 114D).

The 28-member council represents organizations with a major role in achieving clean water, enabling consensus building and coordination on a wide array of issues critical to the people of Minnesota.

Council recommendations

The Clean Water Council’s biennial report includes Clean Water Fund and policy recommendations, and a progress report on Clean Water Fund activities, for the Legislature and the Governor.

The council is currently deliberating its FY26-27 recommendations for the Clean Water Fund.

Global: Caring for our water storymap
Minnesota shaped icon with location pin

Caring for our water

This new story map illustrates how programs supported by the Clean Water Fund fit together into a cohesive strategy to protect, enhance, and restore water quality for Minnesotans.

Meetings of the full council

The Clean Water Council meets monthly. Meetings are held on the third Monday of the month (January and February are held on the fourth Monday due to holidays) and typically run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. All are invited to attend.

Upcoming meetings

Recent meetings

Contact Paul Gardner for older meeting materials.

Stay connected

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Council members

Members serve until their successors are appointed by the appointing authority.

MemberRepresentingTerm expiresAppointing authority
John BartenNonprofit organizations focused on improvement of Minnesota lakes and streamsJanuary 2027Governor
Steven BesserStatewide fishing organizationJanuary 2028Governor
Richard BiskeEnvironmental organizationsJanuary 2028Governor
Richard BrainerdCity governmentsJanuary 2028Governor
TBDTownship officersJanuary 2027Governor
Gail Cederberg, PhDMetropolitan CouncilJanuary 2027Met Council
Steven ChristensonBusiness organizationsJanuary 2027Governor
Tannie EshenaurMinnesota Department of Health (MDH)January 2027MDH Commissioner
Warren FormoStatewide farm organizationsJanuary 2027Governor
Brad GausmanStatewide hunting organizationsJanuary 2027Governor
Kelly Gribauval-HiteBusiness organizationsJanuary 2028Governor
Justin HansonBoard of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR)January 2027BWSR
Holly HatlewickSoil and water conservation districtsJanuary 2027Governor
Rep. Steven JacobMinnesota House of RepresentativesJanuary 2027House
Peder KjesethMinnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)January 2027MDA Commissioner
Annie KnightEnvironmental organizationsJanuary 2027Governor
Fran MironCounty government (seven-county metropolitan area)January 2028Governor
Sen. Nicole MitchellMinnesota SenateJanuary 2025Senate
Jason MoeckelMinnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR)January 2027DNR Commissioner
Jeff PetersonUniversity of Minnesota (UMN)January 2027UMN Board of Regents
Rep. Kristi PursellMinnesota House of RepresentativesJanuary 2025House
Peter SchwagerlStatewide farm organizationsJanuary 2028Governor
Glenn SkutaMinnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)January 2027MPCA Commissioner
Chris MeyerCounty government (rural counties)January 2027Governor
Sen. Nathan WesenbergMinnesota SenateJanuary 2025Senate
Ole OlmansonRepresentative of tribal governmentsJanuary 2027Governor
Marcie WeinandtWatershed districtsJanuary 2028Governor
Jessica WilsonCity governmentsJanuary 2027Governor

Member resources

Policies and procedures