The MPCA issued the most recent municipal stormwater general permit (MNR040000) on November 16, 2020.
- TMDL application form: Permittees that are subject to an EPA-approved total maximum daily load (TMDL) waste load allocation (WLA) must also complete a customized application form.
Application requirements and process
In the permit application forms, MS4 permittees will need to provide descriptions:
- current stormwater pollution prevention program (SWPPP)
- progress toward meeting permit requirements in the six minimum control measures
- best management practices to address total maximum daily load waste load allocations
- names or position titles responsible for implementing each component of the SWPPP
Once an MS4 permittee completes the permit application, they must submit it to the MPCA for preliminary review. If the application is incomplete, MPCA staff will notify the MS4 permittee of the deficiencies in writing. If MPCA staff determine the application is complete, the application will go on public notice for 30 days. Once the MS4 permittee has addressed any applicable public comments or hearing requests, the MPCA will make a final determination and issue coverage under the new permit. The MS4 permittee has 12 months from the date coverage is extended to meet the new permit requirements.